You've made it!
Brooke Munson
My name is Brooke aka Brookerita. You can learn more about that later. For now, I would like to share with you a little about my professon. I am a freelance makeup artist and hairstylist. I specialize n blondes and extensions. You’ll come to discover that I find pure enjoyment in creating looks that will make YOUR inner beauty and individuality shine! Enjoy what your eyes will stumble across!!

"Creating a look that brings out the best version of YOU!"

First off, thank you for taking the time to take a look at some of my services. And, congratulations on your up coming event! I book up to a year or more! Let's meet up soon to ensure your date will be available. And again, I am not only a stylist of beauty, I am someone you can count on in having your best interest. Can't wait to collaborate ideas together in creating something you've always dreamed of! Looking forward to working with you...
Yours Truly,
XO Brooke
Let's talk